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Strong Legal Advocacy in Morgantown 304-521-2451

Consequences of a Domestic Battery or Domestic Assault Conviction

shadow of person attacking woman in foreground

Domestic Battery and Domestic Assault cases are serious and require the utmost care and attention in defending. The penalty for a Domestic Battery conviction is up to a year in jail, a fine of up to $500, or both. The penalty for a Domestic Assault conviction is up to six (6) months in jail, a fine up to $100, or both.

In addition to the criminal penalties, a conviction for Domestic Battery or Domestic Assault results in a permanent criminal record. These convictions cannot be expunged. That means that they will stay on your criminal record forever.

Also, a person is disqualified from owning or possessing a firearm if they have a conviction for Domestic Battery or Domestic Assault. Both state and federal law prohibit a person with a domestic conviction from having a firearm.

The consequences for Domestic Battery and Domestic Assault are severe. To avoid the permanent and far-reaching penalties, it is important to engage an experienced criminal defense attorney. At The Moore Law Firm, we have defended many Domestic Battery and Domestic Assault cases over the years and have helped clients avoid the consequences of a conviction.
